Email Notifications

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Email Notifications

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In addition to the siren (which, by the way, may not always give the desired results), the program provides the ability to send messages to your e-mail. Once the program detects the movement, it immediately connects to your mail server, and sends notification about the incident.

Just enable the corresponding option on the tab "Email & SMS Notifications".

On the screenshot you can see the typical settings for GMail SMTP server.
WARNING! Your actual gmail password will not be accepted here! Instead, you must generate an App Password in your Google Account.



If you connect your computer to the Internet using a proxy server, you will have to make additional settings. To do this, click on the "Proxy Settings..."

In addition to simple text message program can attach snapshots taken with the camera. To do this, first make sure that you have enabled the option to make snapshots, which is located on the tab "Detection & Recording." Then return to the "Email & SMS Notifications" tab, and enable the option "Attach snapshots to email". Thus, the program will now send a few snapshots with an e-mail.

Another thing you may need to configure - is the minimum delay between the emails. This is a common parameter, and it is located in the General Settings window. Click the "Settings" button on the toolbar on the main window.

If the program detects motion, then it sends you an e-mail, after a few seconds. But the movement will continue for some time. Don't you want to get hundreds or even thousands of identical e-mail messages sent from each moment of movement? That's why we recommend to do not set a value lower than one minute here.